10 Gift Suggestions for the Writer

It’s hard to believe that we are coming up on Thanksgiving and the inevitable Black Friday Christmas rush! Buying for kids and grandkids that already have the latest gadgets is becoming more and more difficult, but I refuse to resort to the dreaded gift card.

Unlike our children, there are lots of great ideas for the writers in our life.  So, to help you get a start on the madness, check out these great gift ideas.

My ten top suggestions for the writer in your life.

  1. I would be remiss if I did not plug my own short story collection – Maybe Next Time – available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback.



2.  Carve Magazine Gift a one-year subscription plus an extra goodie.





3. Available on Amazon:

3d-Rose, Please Do Not Annoy The Writer Black – Two Tone Black Mug, 11.oz

       3d- Rose I Write What’s Your  Superpower?  Two Tone Black Mug, 11 .oz, Black/White

4. The Writer’s Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring the ‘Write’ Side of Your Brain.




5.  Ernest Hemingway Engraved Quote Pen – “In order to write about life, first you must live it.”





6.     5-Pc.Typewriter Coaster Set          

7.  On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft  Special Edition by Stephen King.



8Revising Your Novel: First Draft to Finished Draft: A step-by-step guide to a better novel by Janice Hardy.  




9.  Say What? Second Edition: The Fiction Writer’s Handy Guide to Grammar, Punctuation, and Word Usage by C. S. Lakin.




10.  a must-have collection from Writers Helping WritersThe Emotion Thesaurus, The Positive Trait ThesaurusThe Negative Trait ThesaurusThe Urban Setting Thesaurus, The Rural Setting Thesaurus, The Emotional Wound Thesaurus.



Happy shopping!

I’d love to hear your comments. Talk to me. Tell me your story. I’m all ears and look for me on Facebook at SheilaMGood,  PinterestBloglovinTwitter@sheilamgood, Contently, and Instagram. You can follow my reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

I Bit the Apple

I feel a little like Eve. I bit the Apple, tasted the forbidden fruit. Yep, my eyes opened, and I threw the inferior Windows out, well the window. Unfortunately, once you’ve taken a bite, there’s no turning back. Now, I’m ruined and so is, unfortunately, my Apple.

Seems one can screw up an Apple in a heartbeat while reading recipes, cooking, and imbibing in a taste or two, of wine. Apparently, Apples detest getting wet, even a tiny splatter. In fact, they throw a fit, opening the very application you never knew you had and will even attempt to send emails on your behalf. Unruly is an understatement. I lost all control.

After a trip to the Apple doctor, I was given good news and bad news. The bad, my Apple had succumbed. “The sauce did it,” the cute little technician said. I didn’t ask which sauce. My mind was already taking a pantry inventory, God let there be wine. He continued, “The good news is we can bring it back to life.”

I swallowed. “How much?”

“We’ll send it off, and a week to ten days, it will be like new. Only $800.00,” he said, smiling.

I blanched then my eye caught the gleam of the table to my left. Bright, new shiny Apples flashed on display, and I swear I heard a whisper, “Wanna bite?”

I’d love to hear your comments. Talk to me. Tell me your story. I’m all ears and look for me on Facebook at SheilaMGood, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter@sheilamgood, Contently, and Instagram. You can follow my reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.