Publishing mistakes I made this past year

I hope everyone is having a fabulous holiday!

While we are all taking a much needed break I hope you’ll enjoy this post from the archives of “Jean’s Writing.”

First, let me say my mistakes were expensive. Now that I’ve got that off my chest I’ll try to share something constructive. I rushed the process. Those who know me, stop snickering. I&#…

Source: Publishing mistakes I made this year

I’d love to hear from you! Click the write me tab or contact me onTwitter @jeancogdell, Facebook at jean.cogdell and, stop by and say hey! The lights are on and I’m waiting.

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Are you searching for the right words?

A big thanks to Sheila for letting me jump into her Cow Pasture and share in her absence. 

coffeeEach morning with a strong cup of coffee, I open my gmail. As I wade through the good, bad and crazy stuff in my inbox, one email never fails to generate a smile.

Word of the day from

I read the word aloud, before reading the definition. My husband and I have a bit of fun guessing the meaning. He almost always gets it right.

Why am I telling you about this silly little morning ritual?

Not because I’m becoming a great wordsmith. No, most days I’ve forgotten the new word before my second cup of coffee. However, it reminds me to not limit my writing to the same old tired adjectives.

I’m quite sure I’ll never or at least rarely use any of the obscure words selected by Come on, I doubt I’ll ever use soliloquize in a sentence. Although I often go around the house talking to myself. 

But, I hope reading these types of little prompts will act as a reminder to search for more creative ways to express myself. To step away from the mundane and ordinary, reaching for the unusual.

What about you, do you find yourself reaching, searching for a better word?

How do you find just the right word?

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment or click the “write me” tab or look for me on Twitter @jeancogdell, Facebook at jean.cogdell and, stop by and say hey! The lights are on, and I’m waiting.

Please remember to share this post with your Twitter  peeps and Facebook fans.

Keep reading more great posts on how to be creative!

101 Words to Use Instead of “Amazing”

Synonyms for the 96 most commonly used words in English

317 Power Words That’ll Instantly Make You a Better Writer