HELP! New Writers Needed

In case you’re wondering, I haven’t gone from being a writer to a movie critic. However, this past week makes me want to put out a call to writers everywhere. Hollywood is in desperate need of new writers!

My husband and I are movie buffs. The last several movies we attended, we came away stunned. Not only was the movie not as we expected, the previews were unbelievable. The last movie was terrible.

1- The Story line was confusing to say the least, and contradictory.

2- The Plot – pathetic. No tension, no surprises, other than the “I can’t believe we paid for this,” uttered from me and my husband.

3- The setting was completely unrealistic, as were the characters. Throwing in token characters from every minority group without rhyme or reason, when it certainly didn’t advance the plot, left me scratching my head.

4- The actors didn’t grow up in my generation – that was clear. I’m old or a prude, but boundaries have disappeared, or so it would seem. And, I have my doubts about the writer’s education. Most of the story line was riddled with  dialogue of four letter words without substance.

Now,  when we plop twenty-five dollars down for movie and popcorn, I would at least like a story  with a plot. A beginning, middle and end that makes sense. I’m not opposed to spicy language when  appropriately used, but every other word and gratitious sex in the middle of a restaurant with everyone, including the patrons seems over done.

 What happened to a good story? A good plot?  Where have all the good writers gone?

We need good writers. Writers that know how to tell a story. Stories that make sense, make us feel good, give hope and make us smile. The kind of stories that used to fill our libraries and book stores. We need good writers to elevate our stories, and yes, I dare say, our movies.

So, here’s my challenge to you. Write a good story. A story that others will want to pass on, sit down and read to their children or put on their bookshelf. Elevate your story above what Hollywood is writing. We’re much better than that. What do you think?

“If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.”

BTW: I would pass on the movie Seeking a Friend for the End of the World!!

Make Good Art


I haven’t been enjoying the ride as much as I should be. This was a great reminder of why I write.  His advice was simple and to the point. I hope you will take a moment to be inspired.


Wow! I just watched an amazing and inspiring video commencement speech by Author, Neil Gaiman University of Arts Class of 2012.

1. “Be wise, and if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is, and behave as they would behave.”
2. Make amazing, useful mistakes; “mistakes mean you’re doing something.”
3. Go beyond the Rules.
4. “If you have an idea of what you want to do, or what you were put here to do; just go and do it.”
5. Leave the World a more Interesting place.
6. Make good Art: “Make it on good days & bad; Make the art only you can make, using your voice, your mind, your story, and your vision…”

7. Enjoy the ride.