Words Worth Repeating


I read an article today that, given this new reality I find myself wading through, really resonated with me. The article, posted on Medium and written by James Ardis is worth taking the time to read and give it some thought to. Never Sacrifice Your Happiness for Writing.

If you’re anything like me – a type A personality – you want to be the best at whatever you’re attempting to achieve.  When I began writing it was no different. Some weeks I devoted a lot of time and energy and sacrificed time with family and friends; far more than I should have. Now, given my current situation, I find myself asking – Was it worth it? Or was it an indulgent waste of time?

Yes, I accomplished some goals. I published a small short story collection, that didn’t burn up Amazon and I completed a novel. The novel remains on the shelf for now, but publishing it is still in my sights.
Whatever circumstances may come into our lives, it’s worth taking time to examine the priorities in that rule our life. Writing may be one of the priorities we want to hold onto, but just maybe it shouldn’t take first place.

We have so little time. When it is gone it’s gone. And, it’s important to ask – How do I want to be remembered? Always at the keyboard? Or, remembered as someone loved by many, who lived for every moment?

“But the truth of the matter is: you can create amazing work and protect your emotional well-being at the same time.” James Ardis    Click to Tweet

I hope you enjoy the article and drop James a line. Here’s to writing and living to the fullest.


I’d love to hear your comments. Talk to me. Tell me your story. I’m all ears and look for me on Facebook Page at SheilaMcIntyreGood, PinterestBloglovinTwitter@sheilamgood, Contently, and Instagram. You can follow my reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

Dialogue Stories Worth Sharing

Time to ShareAnother from the files.

In keeping with the theme of dialogue (if you read my last post,  today’s  stories to share are the winners of the Annual Dialogue Story Contest offered by Bartleby Snopes. 

Unfortunately, Bartleby Snopes closed their doors (so to speak) in 2016. But, you can still find the winning stories and many others in their online edition, available here. Without further ado:  Here are the Winners of the Annual Dialogue Story Contest.

  1. The Boogeyman by Rebecca McDowell –  7th Year Winner
  2. Slurpie Safari by Sorrell Westbrook-Wilson – 6th Year Winner.
  3. Night Orderly by Ronald Freidman – 5th Year Winner.
  4. Open Me by Lee Snoops – 4th Year Winner.

Can you write an all dialogue story? Give it a try and share it, here in the Cow Pasture.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Join the conversation. Talk to me or tell me your story. I’m all ears.