I’m thrilled with the accomplishments of this President. I’ve listed just a few of the more significant ones from the headlines.

Imagine what we can accomplished if we all pulled together for the good of the nation!

  1. CNBC: Payrolls Smash Estimates with a Gain of 250,000. Wage Gains Pass 3% for First Time Since Recession.
  2. Non-farm payrolls increased by 250,000 for October, well ahead of Refinitiv estimates of 190,000.
  3. Average hourly earnings increased by 5 cents an hour for the month and 83 cents year-over-year, representing a 3.1 percent gain; the best pace since 2009.
  4. The unemployment rate stayed at 3.7 percent, the lowest since December 1969.
  5. CNBC: Wages and Salaries Jump by 3.1%, Highest Level in a Decade
  6. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: U.S. Consumer Confidence Surged in October to 18-Year High
  7. CNBC: Medicaid Enrollment Declines for the First Time in More Than a Decade as a Strong US Economy Boosts Income for Poor Americans.
  8. BUSINESS INSIDER: US Economy Grows at Fastest Back-to-Back Pace in 4 Years, Boosted by Solid Consumer Spending.
  9. ( – Manufacturing jobs in the United States increased by 32,000 in October and have now increased by 434,000 during the presidency of Donald Trump, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Abracadabra!)
  10. Conservative justices who interpret the Constitution as WRITTEN: including 2 Supreme Court Justices and more Federal judges than any other President appointed.
  11. A President that signed into law The Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018.
  12.  And a President that signed the Right to try legislation which gives terminally ill patients the right to use experimental medications that have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

I will be voting to continue to promote America first. To keep America Safe and continue a prosperous economy. I will proudly vote RED.

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