Dinner on Demand

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

Sybil placed the dinner plates on the table and prepared his coffee the way he liked it, with a shot of bourbon.

 The king of the house, as he called himself, demanded a three-course meal, on the table at six sharp, bourbon coffee, and total silence for the first hour.

 She mixed the crushed tablets into his potatoes, covered them in gravy, and stirred an extra helping into his coffee.

 She helped him to the sofa when he complained, tidied the kitchen, washed the dishes, and waited.

When daylight returned the king was dead, Sybil free and the silence, golden.

100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#172  prompt this week:  …when the daylight returned the king was dead…


Do You Prefer Real Books or eReading Devices?

Photo courtesy of :  theeducatedprocastinator.com

Photo courtesy of :

In a recent Pew Research Study 78% of readers preferred real, paper books over e-reading devices.  I’m not surprised, I do, too.

Before receiving my Kindle people told me, “You’re gonna love your it and you’ll read more.”

Photo Courtesy of pslibrary.com




It’s convenient unless the battery runs down in the  middle of a chapter, which happens more often than I care.

Thousands of free books can be downloaded on an eReader, but all those freebies can overwhelm you, leaving you with a library of books you may never read. In addition, paying for a book on the bestsellers list can become pricey.

Amazon has addressed the cost, somewhat, by offering Kindle Unlimited. For $9.99 a month you can download and read as many books as you like, that’s $120 a year! Why pay when I can check out a hard copy at my local library?

But, aside from the convenience of having books available in an instant, and the light weight, I prefer old fashion hardback books. And, I’m not alone.

According to the article, Paper Books, alive and well,  published, March 13,2015, in the Chicago Tribune, a significant percentage of readers prefer the paper copy. (You can read the full article here).

“A Pew Research study found that 78 percent of those from ages 18 to 24 have read a print book in the past year — compared with 21 percent who have read an e-book.” Chicago Tribune

I don’t read more books.  In fact, before receiving my Kindle I read one to two books a week, sometimes more. Now, it’s maybe one a month. It’s hard to argue against the convenience of an eReader, but the same reasons I prefer “real books” over eReaders are also supported by the Pew Research study.

1- The feel and smell. There’s something about holding a book, turning the pages, and the smell of words in print that an eReader cannot copy. Sound silly?

“… College students polled in Slovakia, “1 out of 10 talked about the smell of books. There really is a physical, tactile, kinesthetic component to reading.” Chicago Tribune

2- I like to collect books I can see, touch and pick up on a rainy day. I have a rather large collection on my Kindle, but they do not beckon me as those on my bookshelf.

“… likes the satisfaction of finishing a book, placing it on a shelf alongside others and letting it quietly remind her of its contents.” Chicago Tribune

3- I’m a note taker and a visual, tactile person. For instructional or self-help books, I like to underline, highlight and scribble in the margins. You can take notes and highlight on a  Kindle, but it’s not the same.


Courtesy of Amazon

What about you, which do you prefer and why? Vote in the Cow Pasture poll and let me know.

Courtesy of Barnes and Nobles

The Nook Courtesy of Barnes and Nobles