How to Get Back in The Game

Writer's Block

Greetings, from the Cow Pasture; It’s been awhile since last hearing from me. To be exact it’s been seven months.

During the time away, the task of writing seemed overwhelming. Many days I’d feared not only my creative muse had been lost, but also the desire to write.

So, I gave myself permission to stop, if only for a time. To stop struggling with time, blank pages, and a blank mind. I continued to read my favorite blogs and books. Reading has always brought me pleasure and gave me much needed food for thought, manna for my soul. My writing, I set aside.

The last two years had taken its toll. I needed time for my body and soul to heal.
At any given moment, you have the power to say…

I’m ready now, but how did I get back into the game of writing?

I realized this wasn’t how I wanted the story of my life to end. Trying to play catch up would be futile. I knew couldn’t. So, I made a to-do-list. “Start slow, take baby steps,” I told myself. It was a beginning, you will find it helpful.

  1. Designate a time to write; daily, weekly, whatever works for you and keep it sacred.
  2. Clean and declutter computer files. The mundane task of reorganizing files can help hands and mind reconnect to writing related tasks.
  3. Evaluate current mailing lists. Eliminate sites rarely used or those offering redundant information. Stop wasting time going through a zillion emails.
  4. Reevaluate social platforms (Blog, Author’s page, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc). Narrow the focus and find which social network will work best for you based on where you are and what you hope to accomplish.
  5. Establish ONE goal. The thing you want most to accomplish in the next three, six months or over the next year, outline a schedule and do it. (Publish, revise current works in progress, try a different genre, etc.)
  6. Pick ONE project at a time and see it to completion. The satisfaction of accomplishing your goal, will keep you moving forward.
  7. Persevere and write even if it is one word a day.

When asked, “How do you write?” Stephen King replied. … ‘One word at a time.’Sounds like a great place to start.

Have you been out of the game? How did you get back? I’d love to hear from you.


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