A Good Year

 blimpPhoto Prompt for 100 word Flash Friday Fictioneers-33


      Karen elbowed her sleeping husband, “Oh my God! Brian look! Wake up,” she said, shaking his arm.

     He yawned and rubbed his eyes. “Sorry babe, I’m exhausted from the wedding.”

     She pulled him toward the window. “It’s the blimp!”

     Sure enough, high above the clouds, as though their own personal escort, floated the Goodyear blimp.

     Brian’s heart swelled to near bursting, with love for his young bride as the window of the plane reflected back the child-like delight in her eyes.

      Karen squeezed his hand, smiling, “It’s going be a good year.”

The Final Climb

Photo Credits: Douglas Mcllroy

            The view took her breath away as they flew over the majestic mounds of earth.
Shadows fell and snow glistened as the sun began to peek up over the horizon.
She’d often wondered what pulled him here, every year, attempting the impossible. Was it the physical or personal challenge? Or, was it simply the conquest?
The helicopter circled, began its descent, and with care, the pilot touched down. She stepped out, walked to the edge, surveyed the beauty, and lifted the lid from the urn. He’d finally made it top of the summit.