Add Spice to Your Writing

It’s been a while since I walked across the fields of the Cow Pasture. Words have alluded me. Some days it has been like sitting at the keyboard and forgetting how to spell. Other times words run through my mind at warp speed at the turn of events in my life – not words I should repeat here. Although laced with emotions, they are lazy words, meant only for my catharsis.
We rarely get the results we want when we spew words into the universe because it feels good or is quick and easy. Like a recipe without flavor, it’s lazy and boring.
Words are the spice of our stories. Write with purpose and choose words that bring your story to life and leaves the reader with a lingering taste for more.
Check out this article by Jerry Jenkins, 249 Strong Verbs That’ll Spice Up Your Writing and spice up your writing.

4 thoughts on “Add Spice to Your Writing

  1. I was just thinking the other day that we haven’t hear from you in a while. I’m assuming your health issues have kept you from posting? In any case, it’s nice to see you again, and I’m about to go look at those strong verbs 🙂

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